Eve Online Low Power Slot Items

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If you want to play a little more actively, you should be interested in missions ordered by NPC agents. Completing missions is much more exciting and provides you higher variety of action at the beginning.

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Completing mission won't give you a lot of money at the start, but it's worth to complete first level mission for Standing and unlocking an access to better missions.

If you stay faithful with one corporation, you'll get more ISK for missions and LP points for which you can buy precious items and allow you to make important missions which will increase your faction Standing.

When you begin first level missions, give up on frigates and train yourself to pilot a destroyer of your faction. Each race has two types of destroyers, each of which has a little different playstyle. Gallente for example has Catalyst and Algos. Catalyst is a straight battleship with up to eight cannons and bonus to their range and locking speed. While Algos is more distant attacker. It's equipped mostly in big Drone Bay from which its main strength comes.


To the second level mission you should have at least a cruiser, because you may meet enemies in such ships.

On the screen above you see Vexor cruiser which is perfect to handle all first and second level missions and some third level too. This ship is rather quick, very mobile and serves players well with its versatility. As your skills will grow, the easier it becomes to control the battlefield chaos and destroy enemies.

This Vexor has modules (with appropriate skills given) as following:

  • Three medium 250mm Railgun Cannons - Medium Hybrid turret 1 <- Gunnery 3 + Small Hybrid Turret 3 - those cannons have the biggest range and power but the lowest fire rate from all medium hybrid cannons. You can replace it as you like. The only real requirement is buying cannons of meta3 or meta4. For them you should get two types of ammo, for long and short range. It doesn't cover the rockets, because their range don't depend on the ammo. You should adjust type of rockets according to the type of the enemy.
  • Medium Remote Armor Repairer - Remote Armor Repair Systems 2 <- Mechanics 3 + Repairsystems 2 - this module has one strong feature: it allows you to repair drones at place. But it's almost unused in case of all other ships. You can have it just in case, but when you begin, throw it out and replace with another cannon.
  • Tracking Computer - Trajectory Analysis 1 <- Gunnery 4 - this module will allow you to fire farther or more accurately. If you have a ship armed mostly with cannons, you can invest into this module and its scripts. If your main firepower comes from drones, replace it with Omnidirectional Tracking Linkskill (drone skills required). And if you use rockets mostly, you can use the free slot for something totally different.
  • Afterburner - Afterburner 1 <- Navigation 1 - after launching, module increases speed more than twice times. If you have a quick ship or use drones, you can skip it. All its versions are cheap so invest in them in meta1/meta2 (there are no others, only T2 version and higher).
  • Two Cap rechargers - Energy Grid Upgrades 2 <- Science 1 + Power Grid Management 2 - obligatory modules in every fight-directed fit. For PvE battles, which may take a long time, you should provide the longest life of battery. That's why, you should invest in the best T1 version or upgrade the skill to level 3 and buy T2 version.
  • Damage Control - Hull Upgrades 1 - very essential thing in PvE missions and PvP. It's module which increases all shield and armor resistances. What is more, it's the only module improving hull's durability. It may change the medium ship into perfect one thanks to increasing HP.
  • Reactive Armor Hardener - Hull Upgrades 3 - this module changes the armor value against particular damage, as the ship is being damaged. It has for example 60% resistance to redistribute randomly. For example: enemy deals kinetic and thermal damage, so module adds to them each 30% and leave 0% for two others resistances.
  • Armor Repairer - Mechanics 2 + Repair Systems 1 - sometimes it may happen that enemy will break your shield and start destroying your armor. Repairer is able to patch holes in armor, but it requires a lot of energy. If you want a totally passive fit, you can change this module for one increasing the DPS. Each type of weapon has its own module dedicated to this task, hybrid cannons use for example Magnetic Field Stabilizer.
  • Two modules increasing armor resistance. Here, you have a free hand. You can choose Hardenery like on the screen. Then, you'll have to turn it on before the fight. You can also choose Energized Membrane which doesn't require turning on, but it uses more PG. For most of them you need HullUpgrades skill on 3 level. There is a lot of possibilities. But you have to always know what types of damage enemy deals and install proper modules. And if you make a fit basing on the shield, you have to look for modules for shield's resistances and shield repairers.
  • In Drone Bay you have 8 Hammerheads and 9 Hobgoblins. You can sent at once the number which is limited by your Drones skill. Of course, presence of this part is totally dependent on the ship you choose.

To ship with such an equipment, you'll need, depending on your faction, from two to three days of training. The price with skills is about 13 to 16 millions of ISK. It differs depending on where you buy. The cheapest way is to choose a trade hub, the best is Jita.

Playing as a destroyer, you should remember that it has less MEDIUM and LOW POWER slots. Module Damage Control is worth investing in. About the rest: focus on the advantages and bonuses of the ship and use them to the maximum. If ship has a bonus to cannon/rocket range, mount cannons and rockets. When ship has drone damage increased, try to get as biggest DPS with them as you can.


On the screen above you see elements of the mission window:

Buy Eve Online Items

1 - HUD. Monitor health bars on it. Each of them has a threshold overcoming which will alarm you with a signal. Thresholds may be set in options. Click on the small square with lines on right side of HUD.

2 - Overview. It's a good idea to create a new tab and filter for missions (showing only mission targets). Nothing will distract you in this case.


3 - Locked Targets. The bigger level of Targeting the more you can mark. What is more, you can see the damage of enemy ships and your attacking tools.

4 - Information window. Here you can see how many damage you deal to enemies (blue) and how much you've obtained (red). Also misses are written down here.

5 - Drones. This window is divided onto two parts: upper for drones in bay, bottom for the drones in space. Drone in space look like green circles with a cross inside.

6 - Target which is in range of the fire, what mean it can damage you. Targets with only red sight fire at you, but usually misses.

7 - Targets which locked you, but don't fire yet.

Eve Online Low Power Slot Items List

8 - Ship wrecks. Full information about the loot inside, empty ones are possible to get only with Salvagerto regain elements for rig production.

9 - Information about mission.

Eve Online Selling Items

Earning you get from mission isn't only money paid by the agent. Much more money you can get for collected loot and salvage, and rewards for killing enemies. Those are main income sources in majority of missions runners. There is also a special ship for collecting the wrecks (Noctis). What is more, there is a new element added (Mobile Tractor Unit) which pulls the wrecks and collects their content, what makes wreck collecting easier.

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