What Is A Poker Ride

  1. What Is A Poker Trail Ride
  2. Let Em Ride Poker
  3. Bonus Let It Ride Poker

Coast Mounted Assistance Annual Fund Raiser Poker Ride Montana de Oro State Park Horse Camp Sunday October 8 th 2017 - Columbus Day Weekend /VYZL JHTWPUN I` OYLZLYHPVU MYVT O5VVU VU;OYZKH` 6J OY 4VUKH` 6J H 5VVU.

Are you looking for more information about Let it Ride poker odds and strategy? Here you can find my latest guide, including all I’ve learnt in all these years playing at the best online casinos.

Let It Ride Poker is an acquired taste, and compared to Mississippi Stud, it’s a little counter-intuitive. Let It Ride Poker odds are some of the best in the casino, too. You can usually find the game online under a different, but similar name, like “Let ‘em Ride” or “Let Them Ride.” It’s the same game, more or less, but it usually has a different pay table. Let It Ride Poker strategy is the key to getting the most from your money with this game. The purpose of this post is to explain the basics of how to play and to make learning the appropriate strategy easy.

What Is A Poker Ride

Before going into details, you can find my top 5 recommended casino sites to play Let it Ride Poker

What Is A Poker Ride

How to Play Let It Ride Poker

Learning how to play Let It Ride Poker isn’t that hard, but the first step is the weirdest part:

  • To get started, you place three bets, each of which is the same size as the other two bets.
  • After you place those bets, you get three cards. You then get to choose whether or not to take one of your bets back.
  • Then there’s a community card – a card which is shared by all the players at the table. Once you’ve seen it, you can decide whether or not to draw back your second bet.
  • Then there’s a final community card. You get paid off based on the final poker hand value of your five card hand, which is made up of your three hole cards and the two community cards.

You don’t have to beat a dealer hand, either. In fact, there is no dealer hand. The other players’ hands don’t matter, either. You’re just competing against the pay table, just as you would be if you were playing a video poker game.

The main difference is that you don’t have a drawing round, and you get to draw bets back if you don’t like the way your hand is going.

What Is A Poker Trail Ride

Let It Ride Poker Odds and the House Edge

The house edge for Let It Ride Poker is based on the pay table and the decisions that you make. A common pay table looks like this:

  • Royal flush – 1000 to 1.
  • Straight flush – 200 to 1.
  • Four of a kind – 50 to 1.
  • Full house – 11 to 1.
  • Flush – 8 to 1.
  • Straight – 5 to 1.
  • Three of a kind – 3 to 1.
  • Two pairs – 2 to 1.
  • Pair of tens or higher – even money.

House Edge: Different Situations

Everything else is a losing hand, and keep in mind that you can find multiple pay tables for the game. If you play with the correct Let It Ride Poker strategy, you face a house edge of 3.51%. If you make mistakes, you probably give back at least 2% to the casino, which makes the house edge closer to 6%. When compared to other casino games, that’s not bad. The house edge for roulette is 5.26%, which is roughly comparable to what you’d see as an unskilled player at the Let It Ride table.

You should also keep in mind that the house edge is just a theoretical prediction based on long term results. In the short run, Let It Ride is just like any other casino game. Your actual results can vary widely based on how lucky you get.

  • For example, if you play a single hand and get a straight, you’ve gotten a payoff of 5 to 1.
  • If you quit then and never play again, you’ll be well ahead of the predicted 3.51% loss.
  • Your goal, though, should still be to keep the house edge for the game as low as possible. And to do that, you need a strategy for when to let your bets ride and when to pull them back.

Let It Ride Poker Strategy Tips

Let It Ride Poker strategy is way easier to learn than basic strategy in blackjack. You have fewer situations, and most people are pretty familiar with poker hands and their hand rankings.

  • When you have three cards, you should (obviously) always let your bets ride when you have a paying hand – a pair of tens or higher or a three of a kind.
  • You should also let your bets ride if you have three suited cards in a row because of the flush and straight potential. (The only exceptions are when you have 234 or A23. In either of those cases, you should pull your bet back).
  • If you have three to a straight flush with a gap, you should let it ride if one of the cards is a ten or higher. You have the possibility of a big pair, a straight, or a flush. (A gap means that you’re missing a card needed to make your straight flush – 679, for example, is missing the eight).
  • Also let it ride if you have three to a straight flush with two gaps, but only if two of the cards are ten or higher. The extra high card gives you more opportunities to get a paying hand.

Additional Situations

  • With three cards and any other situation, you should pull your bet back.
  • Have three to a flush OR three to a straight isn’t enough. The cards need to have BOTH flush and straight potential before letting your bet ride.
  • The strategy changes when you see your first community card, because now it’s based on your four-card hand.
  • You should always let your bets ride if you have a paying hand, still – which means a pair of tens or better or a three of a kind.
  • But now, if you have a flush draw – four suited cards – you also let it ride. Odds-wise, it’s way easier to fill a flush draw when you have four to a flush than it is when you only have three suited cards.
  • If you have an outside straight draw, you should also let your bets ride. An outside straight draw is a straight draw where you have eight cards that will complete your hand. 4567 is an example. Any 3 or any 8 would complete your straight.

That’s it for the strategy for Let It Ride Poker – it’s not hard at all.

Let It Ride Poker Side Bets

Until this point, I didn’t cover any side bets. The best thing to do with side bets in almost any casino game I can think of is to skip them. The house edge for these bets is always significantly higher than for the main game – sometimes it’s even higher than 15% or 30%.

Let Em Ride Poker

Sure, you can usually place a small denomination bet, but your goal should be to get the best odds on every bet you place in every casino game, including Let It Ride.

So that’s it for this guide… hope you find it useful: remember that here you can always find information about most popular casino games, including tips and tricks to enhance your gaming experience.

  • No wagering casinos and lowest playthrough bonuses.
  • The best cashable casino bonuses.
  • My guide to become a craps pro.

Bonus Let It Ride Poker


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