Quotes About Gambling Is Good

  1. Gambling Quotes About Life
  2. Why Is Gambling Good
  3. Quotes About Gambling Is Good For You
  4. Funny Quotes About Gambling
  5. Quotes About Gambling

Jan 09, 2020  The GOAT of quotes is back (he’s also a pretty good fighter, just probably not a GOAT). Conor McGregor makes his long awaited return to the UFC cage at UFC 246 on January 18th, facing off against fan favorite Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone. This is the fiery Irishman’s first appearance in.

Gambling Quotes About Life

Gambling has been and always will be a polarizing topic. Everyone has their personal biases, dissenting opinions, and differing views. However, gambling is one of the all-time favorite pastimes from generation to generation. Contrary to popular beliefs, gambling, if taken seriously, has its own advantages, pros, and flair. Intelligent people have not taken a stride against praising its beauty. Which gambling quote do you like? Let’s look at 10 Great Gambling Quotes that any average Joe or elite casino player can live by.

10. “Gambling has held human beings in thrall for millennia. It has been engaged in everywhere, from the dregs of society to the most respectable circles.” Peter L. Bernstein

Starting off, this quote fromMr. Bernstein reminds us that gambling is encompassing. Its age is as old ashuman themselves. Nothing is really new about gambling and it will continue tothrive as long as humans live.

9. “I figure you have the same chance of winning the lottery whether you play or not.” Fran Lebowitz

A quote that makes even thebrightest philosophers think. For if the chances of winning is the same in notplaying and playing and the winning prize is only given to those who play, thenwhy not join and start playing.

8. “If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.” Chinese Proverb

Chinese thousand years ofculture have cracked the essence of gambling long before Western culture evencaught in the game. True masters in the craft, they even thought of theimportance of quitting before the rest of the world knew the addicting dangersof gambling.

7. “At the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.” Chinese Proverb

Another Chinese addition to ourlist, this only proves the striking nature of gambling. One cannot trust anyoneexcept himself. Families and friends don’t matter as long as the game goes. Peoplemay share winnings afterwards, so there’s really no harm in following this gem.

6. “Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.” Baltasar Gracián y Morales

Quotes About Gambling Is Good

An important yet oftentimesoverlooked part in gambling is knowing when to quit. While the Chinese have longknown the importance of quitting, it is important to note that westerncivilization has figured it out and added it to their gaming regimen.

5. “I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining”. Michael Jordan

Even the greatest basketballplayer of all time knows and shares the noble spirit of gambling. Just as witheverything else, gambling has its pros and cons, and when used correctly andaccording to its purpose, it is truly amusing and pleasurable.

4. “In gambling the many must lose in order that the few may win.” George Bernard Shaw

The famous playwright has his own views cemented in the gambling world when he said this statement. This gambling quote exposes the pro-house aspect of casinos, where the odds are almost always against the players. Such is life.

3. “Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness. We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not. You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play.” Jeanette Winterson

Knowing that the odds are almostalways against the favor of players does not deter the best casino enthusiasts.For them, gambling is not about winning or losing; it is their way of life. Simplyput, players play, win or lose.

2. “Eat your betting money but don’t bet your eating money.” Anonymous


Perhaps the most useful gambling quote comes from an unnamed writer. Its anonymous characteristics even speak louder than itself, as it can be applied anywhere, anytime. Gambling involves money and gamblers should know their own limitations. Always bet according to your budget and needs, not based on others and personal wants.

1. “True luck consists not in holding the best of the cards at the table; luckiest is he who knows just when to rise and go home.” John Milton Hay

Why Is Gambling Good

Lastly, gambling always involves luck. No matter how good you think you are, the greatest denominator in gambling is chance—a pure coldhearted luck. In any case, luck can be calculated to increase it in your favor. You just need to accept the outcome, learn what to do next of whether to bet again or try your luck next time.

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Blackjack players and gamblers are often known for having great sayings about the gambling life. Sometimes these sayings contain pearls of wisdom. Sometimes they are merely funny or amusing. All of the greatest gambling and blackjack quotes can increase your appreciation of the game. Here are some classic quotes that you might enjoy.

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“You can shear a sheep many times, but skin him only once.” – Amarillo Slim Preston

Amarillo Slim Preston is best known for his skills as a poker player and winning the World Series of Poker. Preston was referencing poker when he made this quote, but it applies to all of gambling. It is a warning against the greed that overcomes many blackjack players and gamblers.

“Gambling is a hard way to make an easy living.” – Doyle Brunson

The legendary Doyle Brunson began his gambling career in Texas where he became acquainted with some of the most famous gamblers of all time. Brunson is telling us here that many people mistakenly believe that gambling for a living is easy. It is not. It is a life of incredible highs and lows, and it can bring a man to ruin if he doesn’t treat it with the discipline gambling demands.

“If there weren’t luck involved, I would win every time.” – Phil Hellmuth

Hellmuth is called the Poker Brat for a reason. He has a high opinion of himself which is referenced in this gambling quote, but there is also truth here. No matter how good you become at basic blackjack strategy or card counting, luck will always play a role in the outcome. Never underestimate luck and what it can do at the blackjack table.

“I love blackjack, but I’m not addicted to gambling. I’m addicted to sitting in a semi-circle.” – Mitch Hedberg

This is funny, of course, but it also hints at the ways in which many people try to rationalize a gambling addiction. They will blame it on everything else but the gambling.

Quotes About Gambling Is Good For You

“Blackjack is very scientific. There’s always a right answer and a wrong answer.” – Charlie Ergen


Funny Quotes About Gambling

Charlie Ergen here makes a very astute observation about the game of blackjack. It is the only casino game in which the application of a scientific strategy can influence the outcome. Ergen is right. There is always a right decision and a wrong decision to make at blackjack. The player must study until they can make the right choice every time without fail.

“At night when I can’t sleep I play blackjack online until I get tired or I lose my money.” – Nicky Hilton

Who would have thought Nicky Hilton was a blackjack player? We included this quote as an example of what not to do. Don’t play blackjack when you are tired or as some type of diversion. Always approach it with seriousness and you will stand a better chance of winning.

“In gambling the many must lose in order that the few may win.” – George Bernard Shaw

This is a sad reality of all gambling games. Everyone cannot win. When you are playing against the house the concept is not so bad, but even in that case the house can only pay you when it takes in money from losing players. If you are playing a game like poker the only way that you will win is by beating someone else. Your job is to always be one of the few. Stay on the winning side.

“The only difference between a winner and a loser is character.” – Nick the Greek

The way that you respond to a gambling loss is what Nick the Greek is speaking of here. The best players are able to rebound from their losses and live to fight another day. They do not let a gambling loss affect them on an emotional level. They do not make bad decisions after a loss of money at blackjack. They push that loss aside and focus on the next session.

Quotes About Gambling

“Card counters have tunnel vision.” – Richard Munchkin

All successful card counters are very focused. They keep their mind on their business and do not get distracted. This is why they do not tend to drink while they play, nor do they engage in a lot of meaningless conversation. The card counter is focused on the job at hand and will not let anything get in the way of winning.

“Sure, we’re scientists, but I guess certain superstitions creep in periodically.” – Ken Uston

Even the best professional gamblers have superstitions. For Uston, a professional blackjack player, the superstition was using Old Spice after shave before he went out to play. Ken Uston would even return home to put it on if he realized he forgot to do so. The reason for this is that the first time Uston wore the after shave he won big at the blackjack table.

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